“Filming Black Voices and Stories: Slavery On America’s Screens”

Brenda E. Stevenson
Stevenson, Brenda E. “Filming Black Voices and Stories: Slavery on America’s Screens” Journal of the Civil War Era 8, no. 3 (September 2018): 488-520.

“‘out of the mouths of ex-slaves’: carter g. woodson’s journal of negro history ‘invents’ the study of slavery”

Brenda E. Stevenson
Stevenson, Brenda E. “‘Out of the Mouths of Ex-Slaves’: Carter G. Woodson’s Journal of Negro History ‘invents’ the Study of Slavery,” The Journal of African American History 100, no. 4 (Fall 2015): 698-720.

12 Years a Slave: Narrative, History, and Film”

Brenda E. Stevenson
Stevenson, Brenda E. “12 Years a Slave: Narrative, History, and Film,” The Journal of African American History 99, nos. 1-2 (Winter-Spring 2014): 106-118.

“‘what’s love got to do with it?’: concubinage and enslaved black women and girls in the antebellum south”

Brenda E. Stevenson
Stevenson, Brenda E. “‘What’s Love Got to Do With It?’: Concubinage and Enslaved Black Women and Girls in the Antebellum South,” The Journal of African American History 98, no. 1 (Winter 2013): 99-125.

“introduction: women, slavery, and the atlantic world”

Brenda E. Stevenson
Stevenson, Brenda E. “Introduction: Women, Slavery, and the Atlantic World,” The Journal of African American History 98, no. 1 (Winter 2013): 1-6.

“The question of female slave community and culture in the American South: methodological and ideological approaches”

Brenda E. Stevenson
Stevenson, Brenda E. “The Question of Female Slave Community and Culture in the American South: Methodological and Ideological Approaches,” The Journal of African American History 92, no. 1 (Winter 2007): 74-95.

“Introduction: women, slavery, and historical research”

Brenda E. Stevenson, as Guest Editor
Stevenson, Brenda E. “Introduction,” The Journal of African American History 92, no. 1 (Winter 2007): 1-4.

“‘Marsa Never Sot Aunt Rebecca Down’: Enslaved Women, Religion, and Social Power in the Antebellum South”

Brenda E. Stevenson
Stevenson, Brenda E. “‘Marsa Never Sot Aunt Rebecca Down”: Enslaved Women, Religion, and Social Power in the Antebellum South,” The Journal of African American History 90, no. 4 (Fall 2005): 345-367.

“Latasha Harlins, Soon Ja Du, and Joyce Karlin: A Case Study of Multicultural Female Violence and Justice on the Urban Frontier”

Brenda E. Stevenson
Stevenson, Brenda E. “Latasha Harlins, Soon Ja Du, and Joyce Karlin: A Case Study of Multicultural Female Violence and Justice on the Urban Frontier,” The Journal of African American History 89, no. 2 (Spring 2004): 152-176.

“Response to Vincent Nobile’s ‘White Professors, Black History: Forays into the Multicultural Classroom’”

Brenda E. Stevenson
Stevenson, Brenda. “Response to Vincent Nobile’s ‘White Professors, Black History: Forays into the Multicultural Classroom,’” Perspectives 31, no 6 (Sept. 1993).

“Rich Tokens: The Recruitment and Retention of Women of Color Historians”

Brenda E. Stevenson
Stevenson, Brenda E. “Rich Tokens: The Recruitment and Retention of Women of Color Historians,” Journal of Women’s History 4, no. 3 (Winter 1993): 152-156.